Small battery, 12mm diameter and 2mm thick. Used in some watches, calculators, electronic gadgets.
'Best Before' date on these is Dec 2015. There isn't going to be much capacity left in them
but maybe ok for demonstrating a gadget you wish to sell or use for short duration.
Priced to reflect likely life left: 40p each or 4 for £1.50
As used in old radios (mainly). These batteries have gone out of date (08-2015) but will still have some useful life left. Priced reduced to reflect this. Only buy these batteries though if you are intending using them fairly soon.
PRICE: £2.59 each. (About 7-8 left)
I have just metered a sample of this battery to check the voltage/capacity remaining. The batteries are rated at 3V, my sample measured 2.84V (90% capacity remaining) so they still have most of their life left. Lithium batteries do have a very low self-discharge rate so this wasn't really a surprise.
I've got betwen 8-10 of these batteries, price is 39p each or 4 for £1.45 which is a useful discount from their normal price of £1.19 each.
Best Before AUG 2014.
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